Thursday 5 February 2015

Focus Group

My Focus Group

- I gave a questionnaire to the majority of the students in my common room as my magazines' target audience is youth to young adults (16-19 years old)
- I recieved back 16 questionnaires out of 30
- The questions I included in the questionnaire are as followed:

'Are you interested in a new music magazine featuring a brand new artist?'

- 14 said Yes.

'What sort of price would you pay for this type of magazine?'

- Answers ranged from £1.50 to £4.99.

'Would you recommend this type of magazine to a friend?'

- Yes [ 13 ]
- No [ 3 ]

'How often do you read other magazines?'
The answers listed were 'More than once a week', 'Once a week', 'Once a month' and 'Hardly ever'.

- 10 said 'More than once a week'
- 3 said 'Once a week'
- 2 said 'Once a month'
- 1 said 'Hardly ever'

Other questions included-

'What is the thing that makes you buy one music magazine over another?'
- The image on the front cover [ 5 ]
- The headlines shown on the front cover [ 6 ]
- The articles on the contents page [ 3 ]
- The price [ 1 ]
- The name of the magazine: if you just buy the same one every week [ 1 ]
- Other: ___________________________ []

'In an interview with an artist do you prefer one long continuous text or questions and answers?'

- Continuous text [ 3 ]
- Q and As [ 4 ]
- A mixture of both [ 9 ]

A week after I gave them the questionnaire I gathered them one break time and presented to them my music magazine cover so far, which is this:

- The majority of my Control Group gave positive feedback and told me they were looking forward to seeing the end result, however a few of them said that the font and size of the title may need changing and i took this advice and may later change it.
- The majority of them said I should play around with the font of the masthead as it looks too fancy
- I also asked them for some advice on sell lines and using the words 'exclusive', 'inside' and 'first look' on the front cover of the magazine. They showed positive feedback and all said it was a good idea.

I then found a picture on Google Images that I believe would work well with my magazine so I decided to use it on my mock up of my new music magazine as it is the pose and camera angle that I would like to use for my actual front cover.

- My control group of 16 all said that it looked really good so far, said the Sell Lines worked well, the blue sticker looked good with the colour scheme and were looking forward to the end result.

- However, after a lot of debating, I have decided to change the font and design of my magazine title as it didn't look like an actual music magazine. I changed the font from 'Constantia' to 'Eras Demi ITC' and erased 3 lines through the middle to create an effect that makes it different from other music magazines.

- I also changed the image for my mock up of the magazine as it didn't come across as an image that would be used in association with music, instead I searched for a msuic artist holding a microphone and it looks a lot better.

Here is the changed product: 
- But I will add more information and text around the image.

- I then showed this to my focus group aswell as my old layout so they could compare them and they said they preferred the latest one much more as it looked more like a music magazine.

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