Sunday 1 February 2015

Music Magazine Cover Analysis

Here I analysed an NME magazine front cover which I found in Google Images:


Title/Masthead: the NME logo has stuck to the original font of their previous issues however the colours vary and the white outline has been removed, this may because of the deep red colour of the artists hair.

Slogan: this is placed underneath the logo and is telling the reader what 'NME' stands for.

Main Cover Line: this is in Black font and is the only balck text used therefore stands out the most. This shows the reader of the magazine what the main story is and often relates to the artist on the front cover. 

'The State of Music Today': this acts as an advertisement to the reader by revealing the other good features of the magazine which are inside. The white text is contrasted by the Red background so the reader can see it easily.

Cover Image: Close up shot. Creates a personal feel. This feature may make someone feel more inclined to read the magazine. The image also fits in well with the colour scheme.

Cover Line: This tells the reader that they are looking at the second special edition cover and that NME has changed, therefore making the reader want to buy it to see what is different.

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