Friday 13 February 2015

Double Page Spread Mock Up

This is my mock up of a double page spread for my new music magazine

Here is my re-done version of my mock up of my double page spread as i made a few changes-


Wednesday 11 February 2015

Contents Page Mock Up

This is the contents page mock up for my new music magazine 'BEAT'.
The larger of the 3 red sections (located top left of the contents page) will be a picture of a band and there will be a small section of their larger article featured underneath but i will put 'go to page X for the full article' at the bottom with an arrow, as this will persuade people to buy it.
The stretched, vertical red section on the right hand side of the page will be the list of the '12 rockings new bands' that are mentioned on the front of the page.
The smaller picture of them all will be a picture of the magazine's main focus, Natasha.
I may also change the colour of the page numbers to the same colour of the Header as it would make them easier to find/locate.
I then changed my mock up so it looked a lot more like a contents page-

Double Page Spread Analysis

- Here I have analysed a double page spread from NME magazine.

- This is another double page spread from the magazine 'NME' but is an article on a male artist. The black and white image matches the front cover of this issue as it is also in black and white. The colour scheme is consistent.

Contents Page Analysis

- Here I have analysed a contents page of NME magazine.

- This is another example of a contents page from NME magazine.
- The advert at the bottom of the page is a completely different colour scheme to the rest of the magazine which makes it stand out.

Thursday 5 February 2015

The Colour Scheme and Sell Lines

The colour scheme for my music magazine will include Black, different shades of Red (Burgundy etc) and possibly a white background. I will try to match the artists clothing with the colour scheme of the magazine but if not, it will be similar colours.

The sell lines will be 'Exclusive', 'Inside', and 'Plus' which will represent surviellance.

Also, for the lighting of my magazine I will use a top light, creating an underjaw shadow. Possibly creating the effect of wind too so I may use a fan. Also, I would like my character to be holding a microphone.

I am thinking of making the photo on the front cover Black and White as I believe it will make the Title and Information stand out a lot more than if the photo were to be in colour.
Also, this would be an advantage as it takes pressue off of the decision on what outfit I would like my character to be in and how i could match the outfit with the colour scheme of the whole magazine.

The fonts used throughout my magazine will consist of Constantia, Arial and Ebrima. This variety of fonts is used because if i was to use just one font then it wouldn't look very interesting and would not attract my target audience.

For the title of my magazine I have used the font 'Eras Demi ITC' but I also edited it by moving the lettering closer together and put 3 lines through it.

Focus Group

My Focus Group

- I gave a questionnaire to the majority of the students in my common room as my magazines' target audience is youth to young adults (16-19 years old)
- I recieved back 16 questionnaires out of 30
- The questions I included in the questionnaire are as followed:

'Are you interested in a new music magazine featuring a brand new artist?'

- 14 said Yes.

'What sort of price would you pay for this type of magazine?'

- Answers ranged from £1.50 to £4.99.

'Would you recommend this type of magazine to a friend?'

- Yes [ 13 ]
- No [ 3 ]

'How often do you read other magazines?'
The answers listed were 'More than once a week', 'Once a week', 'Once a month' and 'Hardly ever'.

- 10 said 'More than once a week'
- 3 said 'Once a week'
- 2 said 'Once a month'
- 1 said 'Hardly ever'

Other questions included-

'What is the thing that makes you buy one music magazine over another?'
- The image on the front cover [ 5 ]
- The headlines shown on the front cover [ 6 ]
- The articles on the contents page [ 3 ]
- The price [ 1 ]
- The name of the magazine: if you just buy the same one every week [ 1 ]
- Other: ___________________________ []

'In an interview with an artist do you prefer one long continuous text or questions and answers?'

- Continuous text [ 3 ]
- Q and As [ 4 ]
- A mixture of both [ 9 ]

A week after I gave them the questionnaire I gathered them one break time and presented to them my music magazine cover so far, which is this:

- The majority of my Control Group gave positive feedback and told me they were looking forward to seeing the end result, however a few of them said that the font and size of the title may need changing and i took this advice and may later change it.
- The majority of them said I should play around with the font of the masthead as it looks too fancy
- I also asked them for some advice on sell lines and using the words 'exclusive', 'inside' and 'first look' on the front cover of the magazine. They showed positive feedback and all said it was a good idea.

I then found a picture on Google Images that I believe would work well with my magazine so I decided to use it on my mock up of my new music magazine as it is the pose and camera angle that I would like to use for my actual front cover.

- My control group of 16 all said that it looked really good so far, said the Sell Lines worked well, the blue sticker looked good with the colour scheme and were looking forward to the end result.

- However, after a lot of debating, I have decided to change the font and design of my magazine title as it didn't look like an actual music magazine. I changed the font from 'Constantia' to 'Eras Demi ITC' and erased 3 lines through the middle to create an effect that makes it different from other music magazines.

- I also changed the image for my mock up of the magazine as it didn't come across as an image that would be used in association with music, instead I searched for a msuic artist holding a microphone and it looks a lot better.

Here is the changed product: 
- But I will add more information and text around the image.

- I then showed this to my focus group aswell as my old layout so they could compare them and they said they preferred the latest one much more as it looked more like a music magazine.

Sunday 1 February 2015

Music Magazine Cover Analysis

Here I analysed an NME magazine front cover which I found in Google Images:


Title/Masthead: the NME logo has stuck to the original font of their previous issues however the colours vary and the white outline has been removed, this may because of the deep red colour of the artists hair.

Slogan: this is placed underneath the logo and is telling the reader what 'NME' stands for.

Main Cover Line: this is in Black font and is the only balck text used therefore stands out the most. This shows the reader of the magazine what the main story is and often relates to the artist on the front cover. 

'The State of Music Today': this acts as an advertisement to the reader by revealing the other good features of the magazine which are inside. The white text is contrasted by the Red background so the reader can see it easily.

Cover Image: Close up shot. Creates a personal feel. This feature may make someone feel more inclined to read the magazine. The image also fits in well with the colour scheme.

Cover Line: This tells the reader that they are looking at the second special edition cover and that NME has changed, therefore making the reader want to buy it to see what is different.

Music Magazine Cover Research

The magazines I am most fond of and want to base my own magazine cover on are these:

- The forms and conventions used for the NME magazine covers are: Red, White and Black font, the Title at the top left-hand corner is a blocky, bold font. Central images. It also represents the music world in a relaxed view and reveals current affairs aswell as music news.

- I am unsure on what background I'd like my magazine cover to have, however I am fond about the Black and White image of Joe Strummer as this makes the text look more important but in contrast having the image black and white creates the effect of the magazine being different to others.

- The thing I like most about the NME magazine covers is that the writing is bold because of the colour Red but the image also stands out. The target audience is indie/rock music fans of both genders and mostly people age ranging from teens to late twenties.

- The information on the cover is surrounding the individual on all of these magazines and the focus is on both the text and image. However, words like 'plus', 'your reaction', 'the truth', 'special edition' and 'inside' are used to draw the reader inside the magazine.

- It is also apparent that the Header on the NME magazines is placed infront of the image which makes it seem like the title of the magazine makes it unique and should stand out.

- In all of the images, the character is looking directly at the camera which forms a relationship between the magazine and the reader.

- The language on the front cover of the NME magazine is rather formal. I believe this is because there is a slight limitation because there are no articles or reviews on the front cover where an informal writing style may be used; instead there are only coverlines, kickers and explanatory text which should be clear, concise and to the point



- This is the sketch I done which I would like the base my New Music Magazine on, the end result may vary slightly due to me changing my mind on a few things but this is just a general idea.

The Beginning of BEAT

The magazine is aiming for those in their youths and focusing on their interest of music.
I have been studying music magazine covers and contents pages that are focused around the image I intend to create such as'NME' and 'Q'.

I am hoping for my magazine to be focused on a young woman who is new in the music industry.

I originally had the idea of the title of the magazine 'Krushh', I then changed my mind to 'Dezire' but I have changed my mind AGAIN to 'BEAT'.

- I am going to use the colour deep red for the title of my magazine.

- I am also playing on the idea of having lines slashed through the title so it catches the viewers eye and makes it look different to other music magazines of the same genre.